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Character Information
Profession:Holy Warrior
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:1044 (Osiągnięto: 22.03.2024, 0:15)
Manauh Upg:+4 %
Damage Upg:+60 %
Attack Speed:1/4
Ostatnio widziany:11.04.2024, 19:39
Utworzono:3.03.2024, 7:01
Summon na postaci:Tak
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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20.03.2024, 20:44 Killed at level 10 by SMERF LASUCH and by Youros..
17.03.2024, 19:28 Died at level 419 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
17.03.2024, 19:27 Died at level 419 by BLUE GOLEM BOSS and by RED GOLEM BOSS..
17.03.2024, 19:27 Died at level 419 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
17.03.2024, 19:05 Died at level 419 by FREE ITEMS..
14.03.2024, 19:18 Died at level 991 by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:16 Died at level 991 by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:14 Died at level 991 by BLUE GOLEM BOSS and by RED GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:13 Died at level 991 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:12 Died at level 991 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:11 Died at level 991 by BLUE GOLEM BOSS and by RED GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:09 Died at level 991 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
14.03.2024, 19:07 Died at level 991 by FREE ITEMS..
14.03.2024, 17:49 Died at level 699 by cosmoropeteus..
14.03.2024, 16:11 Died at level 928 by cosmoropeteus..
13.03.2024, 22:35 Died at level 809 by cosmoropeteus and by HazE LemoN..
13.03.2024, 19:57 Died at level 935 by cosmoropeteus..
13.03.2024, 19:48 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:47 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:44 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:43 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:40 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:36 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:33 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
13.03.2024, 19:29 Died at level 935 by NOW YOU SEE ME..

Last Frags
18.03.2024, 7:50 She killed Krzysio Misio at level 758. (Unjustified)
18.03.2024, 7:17 She killed Krzysio Misio at level 683. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 17:21 She killed Smrud at level 507. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 12:58 She killed Smrud at level 917. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 12:04 She killed Smrud at level 811. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 10:10 She killed Marjan at level 471. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 10:07 She killed Marjan at level 465. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 9:52 She killed Dawq Ed at level 893. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 9:46 She killed Dawq Ed at level 893. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 5:50 She killed Smrud at level 631. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 4:58 She killed Smrud at level 573. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 4:48 She killed Qlivz at level 802. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 4:13 She killed Smrud at level 925. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 4:05 She killed Qlivz at level 921. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 3:50 She killed Qlivz at level 479. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Last login:11.04.2024, 7:59
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. DawqBaxpia Ots1044 Holy WarriorOffline

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