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Character Information
Name:Nacpany Alkoholik
Profession:Greatest Wizard
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:3237 (Osiągnięto: 7.04.2024, 17:22)
Manauh Upg:+20 %
Damage Upg:+190 %
Attack Speed:4/4
Ostatnio widziany:7.04.2024, 17:44
Utworzono:20.02.2024, 6:03
Summon na postaci:Nie
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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Quest progress:

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7.04.2024, 17:44 Died at level 708 by mandrain..
7.04.2024, 17:39 Killed at level 708 by FRIZOLUSZEK..
7.04.2024, 16:45 Died at level 749 by Doomsday IV..
6.04.2024, 22:01 Died at level 967 by mandrain..
5.04.2024, 23:55 Killed at level 653 by El Lunatico and by Yuri Beckhan..
4.04.2024, 18:18 Died at level 978 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
4.04.2024, 16:44 Died at level 681 by Good Bye..
4.04.2024, 16:31 Died at level 997 by mandrain..
4.04.2024, 4:44 Died at level 959 by holy..
1.04.2024, 9:27 Died at level 664 by earlobe..
1.04.2024, 8:01 Died at level 667 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
1.04.2024, 8:00 Died at level 667 by Patron Guard and by HEALTH BOSS..
1.04.2024, 7:58 Died at level 667 by Patron Guard and by HEALTH BOSS..
1.04.2024, 7:57 Died at level 667 by Patron Guard and by HEALTH BOSS..
1.04.2024, 7:56 Died at level 667 by HEALTH BOSS and by Patron Guard..
1.04.2024, 7:55 Died at level 667 by HEALTH BOSS and by Patron Guard..
1.04.2024, 7:55 Died at level 667 by HEALTH BOSS and by Patron Guard..
1.04.2024, 4:07 Died at level 797 by earlobe..
31.03.2024, 21:36 Killed at level 784 by Gargamel..
31.03.2024, 14:31 Died at level 944 by MEGA ZAJAC..
30.03.2024, 14:36 Died at level 726 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
30.03.2024, 5:02 Died at level 895 by Fire Guard and by CHAOS KEEPER..
29.03.2024, 19:08 Died at level 998 by ORC PRINCE, a ORCS PUPPET, a ORC QUEEN and by ORC KING..
28.03.2024, 22:43 Killed at level 996 by Who Care and by earlobe..
26.03.2024, 8:07 Died at level 987 by FLAME BOSS..

Last Frags
7.04.2024, 12:21 He killed Garczomp at level 991. (Unjustified)
7.04.2024, 4:05 He killed Mexi at level 657. (Unjustified)
1.04.2024, 8:38 He killed Ruoxi at level 631. (Justified)
1.04.2024, 6:16 He killed Nacpana Alkoholiczka at level 923. (Justified)
1.04.2024, 0:00 He killed Wasillo at level 823. (Justified)
31.03.2024, 22:02 He killed Nacpana Alkoholiczka at level 892. (Justified)
31.03.2024, 21:57 He killed SMERF PRACUS at level 722. (Justified)
31.03.2024, 20:44 He killed Demek Reborn at level 464. (Justified)
26.03.2024, 13:45 He killed Dlks at level 691. (Justified)
26.03.2024, 5:34 He killed Dlks at level 324. (Justified)
26.03.2024, 5:33 He killed Dlks at level 324. (Justified)
26.03.2024, 5:28 He killed Dlks at level 950. (Justified)
23.03.2024, 19:36 He killed Patriota at level 883. (Justified)
23.03.2024, 19:36 He killed Komik at level 703. (Justified)
23.03.2024, 19:36 He killed JOINT HERE at level 855. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:7.04.2024, 7:00
Account Status:Premium Account [Banished until 7 May 2024, 17:49]
Summon na koncie:Tak

1. Nacpana AlkoholiczkaBaxpia Ots1610 Imperial PaladinOffline
2. Nacpany AlkoholikBaxpia Ots3237 Greatest WizardOffline
3. NieboszczykBaxpia Ots72 Poor WarriorOffline

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