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Character Information
Profession:Holy Druid
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:803 (Osiągnięto: 18.03.2024, 21:04)
Manauh Upg:+0 %
Damage Upg:+0 %
Attack Speed:0/4
Ostatnio widziany:18.03.2024, 20:48
Utworzono:3.03.2024, 8:29
Summon na postaci:Nie
Aol Upg:Nie
Dungeon Quests:
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18.03.2024, 20:11 Died at level 843 by majestic rotworm..
18.03.2024, 1:38 Killed at level 514 by Mommiespredator, Kasu and by majestic rotworm..
17.03.2024, 22:04 Died at level 726 by Fire Guard and by CHAOS KEEPER..
17.03.2024, 19:29 Died at level 646 by RED GOLEM BOSS and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
17.03.2024, 17:22 Died at level 923 by Doomsday III..
17.03.2024, 15:55 Died at level 878 by Smoczek..
17.03.2024, 15:16 Died at level 975 by Doomsday II..
17.03.2024, 14:50 Died at level 975 by Doomsday III..
17.03.2024, 11:36 Died at level 557 by Smoczek..
17.03.2024, 1:51 Died at level 604 by cosmoropeteus..
16.03.2024, 21:05 Died at level 991 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 20:36 Died at level 973 by cosmoropeteus..
16.03.2024, 20:31 Died at level 881 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 20:27 Died at level 750 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 19:52 Died at level 853 by GAME OVER..
16.03.2024, 18:46 Died at level 804 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 18:30 Died at level 580 by cosmoropeteus..
16.03.2024, 15:39 Died at level 734 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 15:28 Died at level 900 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 15:14 Died at level 857 by cosmoropeteus and by Dawq..
16.03.2024, 14:50 Died at level 882 by cosmoropeteus and by Smrud..
16.03.2024, 14:46 Died at level 726 by cosmoropeteus and by Dawq..
16.03.2024, 14:36 Died at level 792 by cosmoropeteus and by Dawq..
16.03.2024, 7:36 Died at level 390 by cosmoropeteus and by Who Care..
16.03.2024, 7:27 Died at level 866 by cosmoropeteus and by Who Care..

Last Frags
17.03.2024, 1:29 He killed Qlivz at level 973. (Unjustified)
16.03.2024, 15:18 He killed Smrud at level 857. (Unjustified)
15.03.2024, 23:20 He killed Knightovsky at level 649. (Unjustified)
15.03.2024, 6:43 He killed Who Care at level 783. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 6:25 He killed Who Care at level 205. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 1:16 He killed Who Care at level 967. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 0:35 He killed Who Care at level 939. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 0:00 He killed Who Care at level 777. (Justified)
14.03.2024, 22:52 He killed Who Care at level 912. (Justified)
14.03.2024, 22:11 He killed Who Care at level 258. (Justified)
9.03.2024, 2:30 He killed Gonzoll at level 722. (Unjustified)
9.03.2024, 2:11 He killed Hoffix at level 490. (Justified)
9.03.2024, 2:10 He killed Gonzoll at level 620. (Justified)
6.03.2024, 17:56 He killed Sucharek at level 804. (Unjustified)
4.03.2024, 21:51 He killed Mara Quya at level 910. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:18.03.2024, 8:27
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. HurricaneBaxpia Ots803 Holy DruidOffline

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