Contentbox headline
To play on Baxpia you need an account. All you have to do to create your new account is to enter your email address, password to new account, verification code from picture and to agree to the terms presented below. If you have done so, your account name, password and e-mail address will be shown on the following page.

Create a Baxpia Account
Account name:
(Insert your account name)
Name status:
Please enter your account name.
Email address:
(To this email we will send verification code)
Email status:
Please enter your e-mail.
(Use strong password)
Repeat password:
(Repeat password)

Rules of Baxpia

Jesli w pelni akceptujesz regulamin kliknij przycisk "I Agree" aby stworzyc konto na Baxpia.
Jesli nie akceptujesz regulaminu lub nie chcesz zalozyc konta na Baxpia kliknij przycisk "Cancel". Akceptujac regulamin zobowiazujesz sie do jego przestrzegania.