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Character Information
Name:John Henry Eden
Profession:Greatest Druid
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:3347 (Osiągnięto: 15.11.2024, 3:37)
Manauh Upg:+16 %
Damage Upg:+80 %
Attack Speed:1/4
Guild Membership:Member of the Mistrzowie Pingu
Ostatnio widziany:14.11.2024, 11:06
Created:24.09.2024, 0:36
Summon na postaci:Tak
Aol Upg:Nie
Dungeon Quests:
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10.11.2024, 22:07 Killed at level 858 by Im Happy and by Rocki..
9.11.2024, 4:11 Died at level 612 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
5.11.2024, 1:41 Died at level 923 by earlobe..
4.11.2024, 12:09 Died at level 590 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
4.11.2024, 11:56 Died at level 590 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
3.11.2024, 12:31 Died at level 994 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
3.11.2024, 12:24 Died at level 994 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
3.11.2024, 12:23 Died at level 994 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
3.11.2024, 12:21 Died at level 994 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
3.11.2024, 12:18 Died at level 994 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
3.11.2024, 12:14 Died at level 994 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
3.11.2024, 12:12 Died at level 994 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
3.11.2024, 11:57 Died at level 994 by CHAOS KEEPER and by Fire Guard..
31.10.2024, 14:13 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
31.10.2024, 14:11 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
31.10.2024, 12:01 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
31.10.2024, 4:50 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
31.10.2024, 4:49 Died at level 552 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
31.10.2024, 4:48 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
31.10.2024, 4:47 Died at level 552 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
31.10.2024, 4:46 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
31.10.2024, 4:46 Died at level 552 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
31.10.2024, 4:45 Died at level 552 by MANA BOSS and by Patron Guard..
31.10.2024, 4:45 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
31.10.2024, 4:45 Died at level 552 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..

Last Frags
13.10.2024, 19:32 He killed Wykurwiator at level 925. (Unjustified)
13.10.2024, 19:09 He killed Wykurwiator at level 537. (Unjustified)
8.10.2024, 12:45 He killed Ye Bunny at level 960. (Unjustified)
4.10.2024, 16:24 He killed Dementhes at level 325. (Unjustified)
25.09.2024, 19:29 He killed Malica at level 842. (Justified)
24.09.2024, 15:56 He killed Nowy at level 936. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:13.11.2024, 11:36
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. JarekBaxpia Ots2172 Omega WarriorOffline
2. JarosnBaxpia Ots3987 Greatest PaladinOffline
3. John Henry EdenBaxpia Ots3347 Greatest DruidOffline

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