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Character Information
Name:Squbany Here
Profession:Final Paladin
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:5000 (Osiągnięto: 13.11.2024, 11:57)
Manauh Upg:+20 %
Damage Upg:+105 %
Attack Speed:2/4
Ostatnio widziany:29.11.2024, 21:50
Created:3.09.2024, 15:35
Summon na postaci:Tak
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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Quest progress:

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11.11.2024, 19:49 Died at level 583 by CHALLENGER..
10.11.2024, 22:10 Killed at level 933 by Rocki, Im Happy and by scorpionus blue..
10.11.2024, 22:09 Killed at level 933 by Rocki and by Im Happy..
10.11.2024, 22:08 Killed at level 933 by Im Happy, Rocki and by scorpionus blue..
10.11.2024, 22:07 Killed at level 933 by Rocki and by Im Happy..
10.11.2024, 22:07 Killed at level 933 by Im Happy and by Rocki..
10.11.2024, 22:06 Killed at level 933 by Im Happy and by Rocki..
10.11.2024, 22:05 Killed at level 928 by Rocki, Im Happy and by scorpionus blue..
7.11.2024, 21:49 Died at level 955 by scorpionus blue..
27.10.2024, 13:45 Killed at level 825 by Rebelius, an scorpionus blue and by Mantoris..
27.10.2024, 13:44 Killed at level 825 by Mantoris, an scorpionus blue and by Rebelius..
27.10.2024, 13:43 Killed at level 815 by Mantoris, an scorpionus blue and by Rebelius..
27.10.2024, 13:42 Killed at level 815 by Mantoris, an scorpionus blue and by Rebelius..
27.10.2024, 13:36 Killed at level 775 by Mantoris, an scorpionus blue and by Rebelius..
27.10.2024, 13:35 Killed at level 775 by Summon (Level 27) summoned by Mantoris and by Rebelius..
27.10.2024, 13:34 Killed at level 775 by Rebelius and by Mantoris..
27.10.2024, 13:33 Killed at level 775 by Rebelius and by Mantoris..
25.10.2024, 19:31 Died at level 973 by CLONE ME PLS..
20.10.2024, 21:58 Killed at level 191 by Im Happy, Gejoza, KREJZI and by Poczochrany..
20.10.2024, 19:48 Died at level 191 by Doomsday IV..
17.10.2024, 20:48 Killed at level 1001 by Summon (Level 25) summoned by Rebelius, Poczochrany, Gejoza and by Mantoris..
15.10.2024, 17:02 Died at level 368 by mandrain..
14.10.2024, 21:35 Killed at level 1001 by Rebelius, Last Chance and by Jebac Tepe Kurwy..
14.10.2024, 21:34 Killed at level 1001 by Rebelius, Jebac Tepe Kurwy and by Summon (Level 24) summoned by Mantoris..
14.10.2024, 21:33 Killed at level 1001 by Jebac Tepe Kurwy, Rebelius, Summon (Level 24) summoned by Sarada Uchiha and by Mantoris..

Last Frags
14.10.2024, 21:35 He killed Mantoris at level 761. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:34 He killed Mantoris at level 761. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:33 He killed Mantoris at level 761. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:33 He killed Jebac Tepe Kurwy at level 633. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:32 He killed Jebac Tepe Kurwy at level 633. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:32 He killed SwinkaPepa at level 1001. (Justified)
14.10.2024, 21:32 He killed Mantoris at level 761. (Justified)
6.10.2024, 14:16 He killed Mister Wakacje at level 1000. (Unjustified)
6.10.2024, 14:15 He killed Zaorany es at level 994. (Justified)
6.10.2024, 14:15 He killed Mister Wakacje at level 1000. (Unjustified)
6.10.2024, 14:15 He killed Sarada Uchiha at level 1005. (Justified)
6.10.2024, 14:15 He killed Zaorany es at level 994. (Justified)
6.10.2024, 14:14 He killed Mort at level 496. (Unjustified)
6.10.2024, 14:14 He killed Mister Wakacje at level 1000. (Unjustified)
6.10.2024, 14:14 He killed Zaorany es at level 994. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:29.11.2024, 13:43
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. Squbany HereBaxpia Ots5000 Final PaladinOffline

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