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Character Information
Profession:Greatest Wizard
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:3749 (Osiągnięto: 4.05.2024, 14:38)
Manauh Upg:+20 %
Damage Upg:+225 %
Attack Speed:4/4
Guild Membership:Member of the FULL RPG AJEE
Ostatnio widziany:12.05.2024, 12:57
Utworzono:19.03.2024, 14:21
Summon na postaci:Nie
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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Quest progress:

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4.05.2024, 14:52 Died at level 973 by scorpionus blue and by Raymond..
4.05.2024, 6:03 Died at level 880 by scorpionus blue..
1.05.2024, 0:47 Died at level 963 by mandrain..
30.04.2024, 18:57 Died at level 952 by scorpionus blue..
29.04.2024, 19:52 Died at level 817 by CHALLENGER..
29.04.2024, 19:51 Died at level 817 by CHALLENGER..
29.04.2024, 19:45 Died at level 817 by CHALLENGER..
29.04.2024, 19:43 Died at level 817 by CHALLENGER..
29.04.2024, 19:42 Died at level 817 by CHALLENGER..
28.04.2024, 20:33 Died at level 490 by Doomsday V..
28.04.2024, 20:02 Died at level 490 by Eye and by BAXPIA EYE..
25.04.2024, 19:54 Died at level 19 by CHALLENGER..
22.04.2024, 19:16 Died at level 198 by Eye and by BAXPIA EYE..
21.04.2024, 19:15 Died at level 842 by CLONE ME PLS..
21.04.2024, 19:11 Died at level 842 by CLONE ME PLS..
19.04.2024, 3:52 Died at level 589 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
18.04.2024, 19:19 Died at level 631 by ORC QUEEN, a ORCS PUPPET, a ORC KING and by ORC PRINCE..
17.04.2024, 19:06 Died at level 482 by ORC QUEEN, a ORCS PUPPET, a ORC KING and by ORC PRINCE..
17.04.2024, 13:12 Died at level 393 by GAME OVER and by ORC KING..
17.04.2024, 13:10 Died at level 393 by GAME OVER, a ORC KING and by ORCS PUPPET..
17.04.2024, 13:09 Died at level 393 by GAME OVER, a ORC KING and by ORCS PUPPET..
17.04.2024, 13:07 Died at level 393 by RED GOLEM BOSS, GAME OVER and by BLUE GOLEM BOSS..
17.04.2024, 13:06 Died at level 393 by RED GOLEM BOSS, GAME OVER, an BLUE GOLEM BOSS and by FREE ITEMS..
17.04.2024, 13:05 Died at level 393 by RED GOLEM BOSS, an BLUE GOLEM BOSS, FREE ITEMS and by GAME OVER..
15.04.2024, 12:10 Died at level 50 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..

Last Frags
18.04.2024, 2:45 He killed Adramahlih at level 719. (Justified)
18.04.2024, 2:43 He killed Adramahlih at level 719. (Justified)
18.04.2024, 2:43 He killed Hades at level 946. (Justified)
12.04.2024, 5:08 He killed Adramahlih at level 859. (Unjustified)
2.04.2024, 3:52 He killed Adramahlih at level 761. (Unjustified)
29.03.2024, 22:58 He killed Adramahlih at level 977. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:53 He killed Adramahlih at level 869. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:48 He killed Adramahlih at level 699. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:38 He killed Adramahlih at level 894. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:32 He killed Adramahlih at level 699. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:17 He killed Adramahlih at level 367. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:09 He killed Adramahlih at level 767. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:05 He killed Adramahlih at level 592. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 22:00 He killed Adramahlih at level 976. (Justified)
29.03.2024, 21:51 He killed Adramahlih at level 635. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:11.05.2024, 15:20
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Tak

1. AdramahlihBaxpia Ots3634 Greatest WizardOffline
2. AdramahlikhBaxpia Ots3749 Greatest WizardOffline
3. HadesBaxpia Ots5000 Final DruidOffline
4. HadesowyBaxpia Ots600 Dark WizardOffline
5. KefireqBaxpia Ots600 Dark WizardOffline

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