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Character Information
Profession:Baxpia Wizard
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:4045 (Osiągnięto: 2.04.2024, 8:57)
Manauh Upg:+20 %
Damage Upg:+220 %
Attack Speed:4/4
Ostatnio widziany:2.04.2024, 8:43
Utworzono:20.02.2024, 6:04
Summon na postaci:Nie
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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Quest progress:

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31.03.2024, 10:39 Killed at level 437 by Summon (Level 28) summoned by CHMURKA and by furious plasma..
30.03.2024, 13:31 Died at level 767 by oculus..
28.03.2024, 8:23 Died at level 819 by oculus and by Komik..
26.03.2024, 20:54 Died at level 802 by Fire Guard and by CHAOS KEEPER..
23.03.2024, 21:43 Died at level 887 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
23.03.2024, 11:08 Died at level 878 by Guard..
23.03.2024, 6:56 Died at level 846 by Summon (Level 16), Summon (Level 21) and by Guard..
23.03.2024, 6:55 Died at level 846 by Guard, Summon (Level 21), an Baxpia King and by Summon (Level 16)..
19.03.2024, 15:49 Killed at level 907 by Summon (Level 22) summoned by Pixa..
19.03.2024, 15:18 Died at level 938 by earlobe..
18.03.2024, 21:05 Died at level 677 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
18.03.2024, 21:04 Died at level 677 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
18.03.2024, 21:03 Died at level 677 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
18.03.2024, 21:03 Died at level 677 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
18.03.2024, 20:59 Died at level 677 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
18.03.2024, 20:58 Died at level 677 by Patron Guard and by EXP BOSS..
18.03.2024, 20:36 Died at level 677 by EXP BOSS and by Patron Guard..
18.03.2024, 20:04 Died at level 668 by Guard..
18.03.2024, 20:03 Died at level 668 by Summon (Level 30)..
17.03.2024, 11:20 Killed at level 541 by Afera, Waski and by FRIZOLUSZEK..
17.03.2024, 11:20 Killed at level 541 by FRIZOLUSZEK..
17.03.2024, 11:12 Died at level 540 by Fire Guard and by CHAOS KEEPER..
17.03.2024, 8:31 Died at level 887 by Summon (Level 21), Summon (Level 18) and by Summon (Level 19)..
14.03.2024, 17:24 Died at level 747 by beetlejuice..
12.03.2024, 15:33 Killed at level 940 by Komik and by coco dil..

Last Frags
31.03.2024, 7:52 He killed Ojciec Czasu at level 983. (Justified)
30.03.2024, 9:39 He killed Masakrator at level 10. (Unjustified)
30.03.2024, 9:20 He killed Masakrator at level 999. (Unjustified)
30.03.2024, 9:20 He killed Masakrator at level 999. (Unjustified)
18.03.2024, 18:13 He killed Barack Obama at level 563. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 14:16 He killed Dance Macabre at level 400. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 11:20 He killed Afera at level 847. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 10:22 He killed El Lunatico at level 874. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 8:40 He killed El Lunatico at level 986. (Justified)
15.03.2024, 6:46 He killed Majkelele at level 904. (Justified)
13.03.2024, 8:33 He killed Velars at level 999. (Justified)
11.03.2024, 9:02 He killed Velars at level 738. (Justified)
11.03.2024, 9:02 He killed Velars at level 738. (Justified)
11.03.2024, 9:01 He killed Velars at level 738. (Justified)
11.03.2024, 9:01 He killed Velars at level 738. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:1.04.2024, 7:02
Account Status:Premium Account [Banished FOREVER]
Summon na koncie:Tak

1. GadulaBaxpia Ots4045 Baxpia WizardOffline

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