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Character Information
Profession:Final Wizard
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
58.76% (Osiągnięto: 24.04.2024, 12:37)
Manauh Upg:+20 %
Damage Upg:+292 %
Attack Speed:4/4
Guild Membership:Member of the FULL RPG AJEE
Ostatnio widziany:26.04.2024, 10:20
Utworzono:12.03.2024, 17:39
Summon na postaci:Tak
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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Quest progress:

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24.04.2024, 12:41 Died at level 720 by Brachiodemon..
22.04.2024, 21:55 Died at level 675 by Brachiodemon..
21.04.2024, 19:40 Died at level 918 by Doomsday IV..
21.04.2024, 19:39 Died at level 918 by Doomsday III..
21.04.2024, 19:39 Died at level 918 by Doomsday V..
21.04.2024, 19:38 Died at level 918 by Doomsday V..
21.04.2024, 19:37 Died at level 918 by Doomsday IV..
18.04.2024, 19:38 Died at level 994 by Cursed Tarantula, a Baby Spider and by Cursed Poison Spider..
18.04.2024, 19:35 Died at level 994 by Cursed Tarantula, a Cursed Poison Spider and by THE MURDERER..
18.04.2024, 19:31 Died at level 994 by Cursed Tarantula and by THE MURDERER..
17.04.2024, 19:32 Died at level 984 by THE MURDERER..
13.04.2024, 1:25 Died at level 833 by holy..
12.04.2024, 16:06 Killed at level 969 by Who Ask and by Who Care..
10.04.2024, 19:15 Died at level 959 by Patron Guard and by MANA BOSS..
5.04.2024, 12:56 Died at level 843 by holy..
4.04.2024, 0:20 Died at level 805 by holy..
3.04.2024, 23:32 Killed at level 871 by Who Ask and by Who Care..
3.04.2024, 23:31 Killed at level 871 by Who Care and by Who Ask..
3.04.2024, 23:21 Killed at level 871 by Who Ask..
3.04.2024, 23:13 Killed at level 871 by Summon (Level 27) summoned by Who Care and by Who Ask..
3.04.2024, 19:13 Died at level 881 by ORC PRINCE, a ORCS PUPPET, a ORC QUEEN and by ORC KING..
2.04.2024, 19:24 Died at level 965 by CLONE ME PLS..
2.04.2024, 19:20 Died at level 965 by CLONE ME PLS..
2.04.2024, 19:19 Died at level 965 by CLONE ME PLS..
2.04.2024, 17:19 Died at level 643 by BaxpiKing..

Last Frags
27.04.2024, 14:25 He killed Polskilombard at level 588. (Justified)
23.04.2024, 0:29 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Brainless Syzyf at level 927. (Unjustified)
23.04.2024, 0:28 He killed Sebek Ms at level 897. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Last login:27.04.2024, 18:36
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. InformatykBaxpia Ots1987 Prince WizardOffline
2. NienieBaxpia Ots5000 Final WizardOnline
3. ProgramistaBaxpia Ots1038 Holy WizardOffline

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