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Character Information
Name:Pawel Warrior
Profession:Super Warrior
Mega Reborn:
% left to next
Reborn:1103 (Osiągnięto: 17.05.2024, 22:22)
Manauh Upg:+8 %
Damage Upg:+105 %
Attack Speed:1/4
Ostatnio widziany:17.05.2024, 22:13
Utworzono:4.05.2024, 23:21
Summon na postaci:Tak
Aol Upg:Tak
Dungeon Quests:
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17.05.2024, 22:13 Died at level 959 by mandrain..
17.05.2024, 22:10 Died at level 959 by mandrain..
17.05.2024, 22:01 Died at level 952 by Sapy..
17.05.2024, 21:13 Died at level 675 by Summon (Level 6), Summon (Level 41), a deathslicer and by Parapet..
17.05.2024, 21:07 Died at level 669 by mandrain..
17.05.2024, 21:07 Died at level 669 by mandrain and by Summon (Level 2)..
17.05.2024, 21:04 Died at level 384 by Summon Summon (Level 4)..
17.05.2024, 20:59 Died at level 351 by mandrain, Palladin and by Summon (Level 5)..
17.05.2024, 20:58 Died at level 348 by mandrain and by Palladin..
17.05.2024, 20:56 Died at level 341 by mandrain..
17.05.2024, 20:56 Killed at level 340 by Palladin..
17.05.2024, 20:52 Died at level 1000 by undefined..
17.05.2024, 20:28 Died at level 1000 by mandrain..
17.05.2024, 20:13 Died at level 1000 by CLONE ME PLS..
17.05.2024, 19:51 Died at level 1000 by Ms. Nightmare..
17.05.2024, 19:48 Died at level 1000 by UNBELIVABLE Boss..
17.05.2024, 19:48 Died at level 1000 by UNBELIVABLE Boss..
17.05.2024, 19:47 Died at level 1000 by UNBELIVABLE Boss..
17.05.2024, 19:47 Died at level 1000 by UNBELIVABLE Boss..
17.05.2024, 19:41 Died at level 1000 by ORC QUEEN and by ORC KING..
17.05.2024, 19:40 Died at level 1000 by ORC KING and by ORC QUEEN..
17.05.2024, 19:39 Died at level 1000 by ORC QUEEN and by ORC KING..
17.05.2024, 19:35 Died at level 1000 by ORC KING, a Baxpia Dragon, a ORC PRINCE and by ORC QUEEN..
17.05.2024, 19:33 Died at level 1000 by ORC QUEEN, a ORC KING, a Baxpia Dragon and by ORC PRINCE..
17.05.2024, 19:32 Died at level 1000 by ORC QUEEN, a ORC KING, a Baxpia Dragon and by ORC PRINCE..

Last Frags
16.05.2024, 10:48 He killed Palladin at level 797. (Justified)
8.05.2024, 5:05 He killed Crown at level 539. (Justified)

Account Information
Last login:16.05.2024, 23:17
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. PalladinBaxpia Ots600 Dark PaladinOffline
2. Pawel WarriorBaxpia Ots1103 Super WarriorOffline

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