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Character Information
Profession:Holy Paladin
Mega Reborn:
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Reborn:728 (Osiągnięto: 18.03.2024, 20:22)
Manauh Upg:+1 %
Damage Upg:+10 %
Attack Speed:0/4
Guild Membership:Member of the Sperma
Ostatnio widziany:18.03.2024, 20:15
Utworzono:8.03.2024, 18:58
Summon na postaci:Nie
Aol Upg:Nie
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18.03.2024, 19:33 Died at level 557 by NOW YOU SEE ME..
18.03.2024, 19:05 Died at level 995 by FREE ITEMS..
18.03.2024, 19:04 Died at level 995 by FREE ITEMS..
18.03.2024, 18:40 Died at level 841 by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 18:27 Killed at level 844 by Roland and by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 18:26 Killed at level 814 by Roland and by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 18:22 Died at level 580 by cosmoropeteus, Roland and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 18:19 Died at level 395 by cosmoropeteus and by Roland..
18.03.2024, 17:57 Killed at level 941 by Roland, an cosmoropeteus and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 17:09 Died at level 673 by cosmoropeteus and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 16:57 Died at level 643 by cosmoropeteus, Roland and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 16:51 Died at level 943 by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 16:48 Killed at level 710 by Roland, an cosmoropeteus and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 16:43 Died at level 979 by cosmoropeteus and by Yuri Beckhan..
18.03.2024, 16:35 Killed at level 226 by Yuri Beckhan and by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 15:37 Died at level 886 by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 15:16 Died at level 813 by cosmoropeteus..
18.03.2024, 15:03 Died at level 797 by cosmoropeteus..
17.03.2024, 18:56 Died at level 732 by cosmoropeteus..
17.03.2024, 18:06 Died at level 926 by cosmoropeteus and by Poskrecanejadra..
17.03.2024, 17:21 Died at level 507 by cosmoropeteus, Sekerementis and by Dawq..
17.03.2024, 16:54 Died at level 874 by cosmoropeteus..
17.03.2024, 12:58 Died at level 917 by cosmoropeteus and by Dawq..
17.03.2024, 12:04 Died at level 811 by cosmoropeteus and by Dawq..
17.03.2024, 11:49 Died at level 877 by cosmoropeteus and by Poskrecanejadra..

Last Frags
18.03.2024, 18:20 He killed Yuri Beckhan at level 91. (Justified)
18.03.2024, 14:57 He killed Gustavo Fring at level 429. (Unjustified)
18.03.2024, 14:45 He killed Gustavo Fring at level 979. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 18:05 He killed Knightovsky at level 809. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 13:59 He killed Poskrecanejadra at level 904. (Justified)
17.03.2024, 4:48 He killed Qlivz at level 793. (Unjustified)
17.03.2024, 3:21 He killed Qlivz at level 933. (Unjustified)
16.03.2024, 22:31 He killed Qlivz at level 910. (Justified)
16.03.2024, 21:05 He killed Hurricane at level 991. (Justified)
16.03.2024, 20:35 He killed Qlivz at level 833. (Unjustified)
16.03.2024, 20:31 He killed Hurricane at level 881. (Unjustified)
16.03.2024, 20:27 He killed Hurricane at level 750. (Justified)
16.03.2024, 18:46 He killed Hurricane at level 804. (Justified)
16.03.2024, 15:39 He killed Hurricane at level 734. (Justified)
16.03.2024, 15:28 He killed Hurricane at level 900. (Unjustified)

Account Information
Last login:14.03.2024, 18:56
Account Status:Premium Account
Summon na koncie:Nie

1. SmrudBaxpia Ots728 Holy PaladinOffline

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